My running schedule called for a easygoing 6 miles for today. I have been pretty lax in training. Skipped my first long run, cut short the next long run due to food poisoning, then finally got up to distance, 12 instead of the recommended 14 miles, last week.
But, I've been spending Tuesday evenings with the local running group. It consists of twenty-odd guys and one woman running an eight mile loop. I've been running six of the eight miles, but finally gave it a whirl for the full eight today.
I started out last and stayed in last watching them fade into the distance. By the time I reached mile three (my house) all but two were out of sight. I passed two guys at mile four, so i really wasn't dead last, just third from last, and cruised in while everyone else was cooling down and stretching.
What amazes me is that I ran eight miles in 1:05. That's by far the fastest I've ever run that kind of distance (I think), but I was still so far back in the pack.
I guess I can only get faster from here (as long as I don't pop something).