Friday, June 29, 2007

empty streets

Rainy day turned to incredible sunset, so I run out to see the people out on the street in the gorgeous light. There's nobody there. You are pathetic, Bay City.

She was the only one out there, and she wasn't doing a whole lot. That's my skin-oil vandalism on the glass. Making artsy shit instead of documenting means having to actually show something about yourself, doesn't it.

Tuesday, June 26, 2007

heat training

I had to start training today. Its 96 and I had to start marathon I ran a nice 8 miles in the heat, near dark on Sunday, full of chafing and lack of water. But, today I went with the Y group as they sped off on their 8 minute miles and I did my 9:30s in the heat. One guy finished before me doing 8, and then I melted. The shade on Lincoln St. slowly brought me back after the sun destroyed me on Woodside Ave. Hopefully things will cool off for more training runs.

Monday, June 25, 2007

which way?

Day camp scavenger hunt

Tuesday, June 19, 2007


Flight: Denver to Nashville to Detroit

another collage

Monday, June 18, 2007


Long's Peak with Mount Meeker and Chasm Lake on the left.

mountain time

Need for mountains sated by a trip to Chasm Lake. Though below 12,000 ft. I still got above treeline, climbed ramps, slabs, snow, and scrambled on talus. Now my calves are sunburnt.

Two climbers on the Diamond, and a few on Meekers. Next time I'm doing the Loft route...with an ice ax and boots instead of approach shoes.

Some like running the trail to Chasm lake. Jenn is content walking it.

Monday, June 11, 2007

Corpus Christi

Corpus Christi is a celebration of the eucharist and is a medieval thing more European than American. The Bishop blesses the host and the folks parade it through the streets of town, singing and praying and ringing bells. Bay City's procession goes from St. Stanislaus Kostka Catholic Church to St. James Catholic Church.

Anger, frustration, baseball

And then he was ejected.


I got to watch the munsters on assignment the other day, and this is the cat that had spread kitty litter all over the room.

kevin kicks

Kevin Benedict kicks, but does not score.

Sunday, June 03, 2007


Charlottesville ten years later. Lotta people I haven't seen in a while, lotta people I didn't see at all. I was one of the few non-lawyers or financial consultants.