New England

I got to visit with some cousins soon after arriving in New England. Here is my cousin Sam playing the cello for other cousins. I am staying with my aunt in Manchester for a while until my apartment in downtown Concord is OK to move into. No more ground floor for me, so the garden will have to be altered. Don't worry, mojitos will still be available and roast chicken is never far away.

On the way out I got to see Brie and her new boy, all while being entertained by late-night street performances echoing up from across the street, and next door, and down the street.

I got to see my old neighborhood in Niagara Falls as well. So many stories there! If you want to immerse yourself in the cauldron I recommend it, if you handle living on the edge like that.Business meetings at the falls are the least of it.
love it, I had fun seeing you!!! me and kate will have to come for a NH reunion soon : ) hope the job is going wellllll!
Oh my god I forgot about the roast chicken! ohhhh i heart that chicken
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