leaving Bay City

I did not think my time in Bay City would run so short. But, who can say what will come down the road? This is my last week at the Bay City Times.
Bay City was a great excuse to try new things and push myself and at times the newspaper. I would like to think that I made a difference. It made an impact on me, at least.
Next week I move and on the first day of fall I will start the next chapter in the story as a photo editor. In New Hampshire. At the Concord Monitor.
I would never have predicted that.
Congrats on the new job! One day, when your paper has racked up a few new Pulitzers, I can say, "Hey, I knew that guy way back when he was a mere TA..."
holy crap, alex. that's epic news. congrats! can't wait to see how you bowl 'em over.
Liz, you're the one with the Pulitzer-contending, bad-ass shots and story. Don't be coming to flood my town! But you can come and visit and play in the mountains anytime.
Congratulations Alex, best of luck on your new endeavor.
Congrats Alex. Say hi to the UV for me on your way through.
Wow, that's awesome! Congratulations!
lovely goodbye photo... and congrats - i think the concord monitor is an amazing newspaper.
good for you ... i guess missing your plane and showing up a day late for your interview didn't give a bad impression (ha ha) best wishes and good luck.
holy shit. Congratulations, Alex!!! Awesomeness.
That is very good news Alex. Have a great time there.
Congrats dude! One more can't hurt. But what does hurt is the Midland Community Center charging $8 per trip to the rock wall. jeesh.
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