on the job

State Rep. Fran Wendelboe (New Hampton) is leading the charge into investigating whether too much money was spent on the renovation of the third-floor women's restroom at the New Hampshire State House. After missing a couple of opportunities for other making some shots I was given a personal tour of all three women's restrooms at the State House.
Every day is different.
Interesting . . . I've never had a personalized tour of women's restrooms and what they might mean for my state budget
I just can't figure out who that guy in the mirror might be. It reminds me of a friend of mine, but my friend was heavier last time I saw him...
Hey, you're right: every time I look at that album cover photo, it makes me think either of a mafioso or a run-down detective from the 50's.
I find this truly ironic. When Benson was governor, he installed a $200 commode to use in a closet in his office.
The press whipped it up into a $200,000 dollar bathroom renovation job.
Now that the Dems have done it, eh, no matter.
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